The Truth About Parrots: What You Need to Know Before Getting One - the Truth About Parrots: What You Need to Know Before Getting One

Parrots are colorful, intelligent, and charismatic birds that can make fascinating pets for the right owners. However, they are also complex, demanding, and challenging animals that require a lot of commitment, responsibility, and understanding. Parrots are not suitable for everyone, and many people who get them end up regretting their decision or giving them up. In this article, we will reveal some of the truths about parrots that you need to know before getting one, such as:

  • Parrots are loud and noisy
  • Parrots are messy and destructive
  • Parrots are expensive and time-consuming
  • Parrots are social and emotional
  • Parrots are wild and unpredictable

Parrots are loud and noisy - Wild Parrot

Parrots are vocal animals that use their voices to communicate, express themselves, and interact with their environment. Parrots can produce a variety of sounds, such as whistles, chirps, squawks, screams, and even words. Parrots can also mimic sounds that they hear, such as other animals, music, or human speech. Parrots can be very entertaining and amusing with their vocalizations, but they can also be very annoying and disturbing, especially to your neighbors.

Parrots are loud and noisy by nature, and there is no way to make them quiet or stop them from making noise. Parrots can be loud at any time of the day or night, but they tend to be louder in the morning and evening, when they are most active and alert. Parrots can also be loud when they are bored, lonely, scared, angry, excited, or happy. Parrots can be loud for various reasons, such as:

  • To get your attention or demand something
  • To express their feelings or needs
  • To warn you or alert you of something
  • To bond with you or other parrots
  • To show their dominance or territoriality
  • To have fun or play

If you are thinking of getting a parrot, you need to be prepared for the noise level and the impact it can have on your life and your relationships. You need to be tolerant and patient with your parrot’s vocalizations, and understand that they are part of its natural behavior and personality. You also need to provide your parrot with a suitable and stimulating environment, where it can exercise, play, and socialize, and where it can feel safe, comfortable, and happy. You can also try to teach your parrot some positive and acceptable vocalizations, such as words, phrases, or songs, and reward it with praise, treats, or attention when it makes them. However, you should never punish, scold, or ignore your parrot when it makes noise, as this can make it worse or cause other problems.

Parrots are messy and destructive - Wild Parrot Messy

Parrots are messy and destructive animals that can create a lot of mess and damage in your home and your belongings. Parrots can make a mess with their feathers, droppings, food, and water, and they can destroy anything that they can chew, bite, or scratch, such as furniture, clothes, books, wires, or walls. Parrots can also make a mess and damage your plants, curtains, carpets, or floors, and they can even hurt themselves or others with their sharp beaks and claws.

Parrots are messy and destructive because they are curious, playful, and exploratory, and because they need to keep their beaks and nails in shape. Parrots can also be messy and destructive when they are bored, stressed, or unhappy, and when they lack proper care, enrichment, and supervision. Parrots can be messy and destructive for various reasons, such as:

  • To satisfy their natural instincts and behaviors
  • To exercise their physical and mental abilities
  • To express their emotions or moods
  • To communicate or interact with you or other parrots
  • To mark their territory or assert their authority
  • To cope with boredom or frustration

If you are thinking of getting a parrot, you need to be ready for the mess and damage that it can cause, and the cost and effort that it can entail. You need to be willing and able to clean up after your parrot regularly, and to provide it with a spacious and secure cage, where it can stay when you are not around or when you need some peace and quiet. You also need to provide your parrot with plenty of toys, perches, and accessories, that are safe, durable, and appropriate for its size and species, and that can keep it busy, entertained, and satisfied. You can also try to redirect your parrot’s attention and behavior to something more positive and acceptable, such as a toy, a treat, or a game, and reward it with praise, affection, or attention when it does so. However, you should never hit, yell, or scare your parrot when it makes a mess or damage, as this can make it worse or cause other problems.

Parrots are expensive and time-consuming - Pirate Parrot

Parrots are expensive and time-consuming animals that can require a lot of money and time to acquire, maintain, and care for. Parrots can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy, depending on their species, age, and quality, and they can live for decades, depending on their species, health, and care. Parrots can also cost a lot of money to feed, house, groom, and treat, and they can need a lot of time to train, socialize, and interact with.

Parrots are expensive and time-consuming because they are exotic, rare, and long-lived animals, and because they have specific and complex needs and preferences. Parrots can also be expensive and time-consuming when they have health problems or behavioral issues, and when they need professional help or intervention. Parrots can be expensive and time-consuming for various reasons, such as:

  • To provide them with a balanced and varied diet, that includes pellets, seeds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and supplements
  • To provide them with a large and sturdy cage, that has enough space, bars, and security for their comfort and safety
  • To provide them with regular and proper grooming, that includes trimming their nails, wings, and beaks, and bathing them with water or mist
  • To provide them with regular and proper veterinary care, that includes check-ups, vaccinations, tests, and treatments
  • To provide them with adequate and appropriate training, that includes teaching them basic commands, manners, and tricks
  • To provide them with sufficient and quality socialization, that includes spending time with them, talking to them, playing with them, and cuddling with them

If you are thinking of getting a parrot, you need to be aware of the expense and time that it can involve, and the commitment and dedication that it can demand. You need to be able to afford and budget for your parrot’s initial and ongoing costs, and to plan and schedule for your parrot’s daily and long-term care. You also need to be able to devote and allocate enough time and attention to your parrot, and to make it a priority and a part of your family. You can also try to find and join a local or online parrot community, where you can get support, advice, and resources from other parrot owners and enthusiasts. However, you should never neglect, abandon, or give up your parrot when it becomes too expensive or time-consuming, as this can be devastating and traumatic for your parrot and for you.

Parrots are social and emotional - Social Parrots

Parrots are social and emotional animals that can form strong and lasting bonds with their owners and other parrots. Parrots can be very affectionate, loyal, and loving, and they can show their feelings and emotions through their actions and expressions. Parrots can also be very sensitive, moody, and temperamental, and they can experience and display a range of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, jealousy, or boredom. Parrots can also have distinct and unique personalities, and they can vary in their temperament, behavior, and preferences.

Parrots are social and emotional because they are highly intelligent and aware, and because they live in complex and dynamic social groups in the wild. Parrots can also be social and emotional when they are influenced by their environment, their hormones, or their experiences. Parrots can be social and emotional for various reasons, such as:

  • To communicate and connect with their owners or other parrots
  • To express their needs and wants
  • To cope with stress or change
  • To adapt to different situations or challenges
  • To learn and grow
  • To have fun and enjoy life

If you are thinking of getting a parrot, you need to be mindful of its social and emotional needs and characteristics, and the impact they can have on its well-being and behavior. You need to be respectful and empathetic with your parrot’s feelings and emotions, and understand that they are valid and important. You also need to provide your parrot with a stable and stimulating environment, where it can feel safe, comfortable, and happy. You can also try to observe and interpret your parrot’s body language and vocalizations, as they can tell you a lot about its mood and state of mind. You can also try to enrich and enhance your parrot’s social and emotional life, by providing it with companionship, interaction, and enrichment. However, you should never force, manipulate, or exploit your parrot’s social and emotional nature, as this can be harmful and unethical.

Parrots are wild and unpredictable - Parrot Scream

Parrots are wild and unpredictable animals that can retain their natural instincts and behaviors, even when they are bred and raised in captivity. Parrots can be adventurous, curious, and fearless, and they can explore, discover, and try new things. Parrots can also be aggressive,

  • territorial, and defensive, and they can bite, scratch, or attack anyone or anything that they perceive as a threat or a rival. Parrots can also be unpredictable and moody, and they can change their behavior or attitude without warning or reason. Parrots can also be stubborn and rebellious, and they can resist or ignore your commands or requests.

Parrots are wild and unpredictable because they are instinctive, reactive, and independent animals, and because they have not been domesticated or modified by humans. Parrots can also be wild and unpredictable when they are influenced by their hormones, their environment, or their experiences. Parrots can be wild and unpredictable for various reasons, such as:

  • To survive and adapt to their natural habitat and conditions
  • To defend themselves and their territory from predators and competitors
  • To assert their dominance and leadership in their social group
  • To mate and reproduce
  • To challenge and test their owners or other parrots
  • To have fun and enjoy life

If you are thinking of getting a parrot, you need to be aware of its wild and unpredictable nature and the risks and challenges that it can pose. You need to be cautious and respectful with your parrot’s instincts and behaviors, and understand that they are part of its identity and essence. You also need to provide your parrot with a safe and suitable environment, where it can express and satisfy its natural needs and desires. You can also try to train and tame your parrot with positive reinforcement, consistency, and trust, and to establish a clear and strong bond with your parrot. However, you should never force, restrain, or suppress your parrot’s wild and unpredictable side, as this can be cruel and harmful.


Parrots are amazing and unique animals that can make rewarding and enriching pets for the right owners. However, they are also complex and challenging animals that require a lot of commitment, responsibility, and understanding. Parrots have specific and complex needs and preferences that must be met in order to keep them healthy and happy. Parrots also have their own personalities and moods, and they need time and patience to bond with their owners. Parrots can be loud, messy, expensive, social, emotional, wild, and unpredictable, and they can bring joy and trouble to your life. If you are interested in owning a parrot, you should do your research and prepare yourself for the realities and responsibilities of parrot ownership. Parrots are not just pets, they are companions and friends. 🦜❤️

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