How to Protect Your Dog’s Paws from Corrosive Urine - Protect Your Dog’s Paws

Dogs are amazing companions, but they can also have some unpleasant habits, such as peeing on their own paws. This can cause irritation, infection, and even burns on the delicate skin of their paws. In this article, you will learn why dogs pee on their paws, How to protect your dog’s paws from corrosive urine, how to prevent it, and how to treat it if it happens.

Why Do Dogs Pee on Their Paws?

There are several possible reasons why dogs pee on their paws, such as:

How to Prevent Dogs from Peeing on Their Paws? - Protect Your Dog’s Paws

The best way to protect your dog’s paws from corrosive urine is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are some tips to do that:

  • Train your dog: If your dog is marking territory or showing submissive behavior, you can train them to stop or reduce these behaviors. You can use positive reinforcement, such as treats, praise, or toys, to reward your dog for peeing in appropriate places and manners. You can also use deterrents, such as loud noises, water sprays, or vinegar, to discourage your dog from peeing on their paws5
  • Check your dog’s health: If your dog has any medical issues that affect their urination, you should consult your veterinarian and get them treated. This can help your dog feel more comfortable and avoid peeing on their paws. You should also monitor your dog’s water intake and urine output, and report any changes to your vet.
  • Groom your dog: If your dog has long fur, you should trim it around their genitals and paws to prevent urine from sticking to it. You can also use a waterproof spray or wax to coat your dog’s paws and create a barrier against urine. You should also check your dog’s vulva for any signs of infection or irritation, and clean it regularly.

How to Treat Dogs’ Paws If They Pee on Them? - How to Treat Dogs if They Pee on Their Paws.jpg

If your dog pees on their paws, you should act quickly to minimize the damage. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Rinse the paws: As soon as you notice your dog peeing on their paws, you should rinse them with clean water to remove the urine. You can use a hose, a bucket, or a spray bottle to do this. You should also dry the paws thoroughly with a towel or a hair dryer.
  • Disinfect the paws: You should apply an antiseptic solution, such as betadine or chlorhexidine, to the paws to prevent infection. You can use a cotton ball, a gauze pad, or a spray bottle to do this. You should avoid using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as they can sting and dry the skin.
  • Moisturize the paws: You should apply a soothing cream, such as aloe vera, coconut oil, or shea butter, to the paws to prevent dryness and cracking. You can also use a paw balm or a salve that contains natural ingredients, such as beeswax, lanolin, or vitamin E. You should avoid using products that contain artificial fragrances, colors, or preservatives, as they can irritate the skin.
  • Protect the paws: You should cover the paws with a sock, a bootie, or a bandage to protect them from further damage. You should also limit your dog’s exposure to harsh surfaces, such as concrete, asphalt, or gravel, that can scrape or rub the paws. You should also keep your dog away from other dogs or animals that may lick or bite the paws.


Peeing on their paws can cause a lot of discomfort and harm to your dog. You should try to prevent it from happening by training your dog, checking their health, and grooming them regularly. You should also treat it promptly by rinsing, disinfecting, moisturizing, and protecting the paws. By following these tips, you can keep your dog’s paws healthy and happy. 🐾

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